
substitute for butter in cinnamon rolls

Butter is a crucial ingredient in crafting the irresistible flavor and texture of classic cinnamon rolls. However, for those seeking alternatives due to dietary preferences, health reasons, or allergies, discovering substitutes for butter in cinnamon rolls can open the door to delectable variations of this beloved treat. This article delves into the purpose of butter in cinnamon rolls, reasons to opt for alternatives, and a range of substitutes that can transform your cinnamon roll baking experience.

Purpose of Butter in Cinnamon Rolls:

  • Flavor Infusion: Butter imparts a rich and indulgent taste that melds perfectly with the sweet cinnamon filling.
  • Tender Dough: It contributes to the soft and airy texture of the cinnamon roll dough.
  • Moisture Retention: Butter helps retain moisture in the dough, resulting in a delightful melt-in-your-mouth experience.
  • Golden Glaze: The buttery glaze brushed over the warm rolls adds a glossy finish and enhanced flavor.
  • Aroma Enhancement: The buttery aroma while baking elevates the sensory pleasure of cinnamon roll consumption.

Why Replace Butter in Cinnamon Rolls:

  • Dairy-Free or Vegan Lifestyles: Individuals following such diets can still enjoy decadent cinnamon rolls without butter.
  • Reducing Saturated Fat: Substituting can help lower the overall saturated fat content in the treat.
  • Healthier Options: Certain substitutes offer healthier fats and nutritional benefits.
  • Allergy Concerns: Those with dairy allergies or lactose intolerance can savor cinnamon rolls safely.
  • Varied Flavor Profiles: Exploring alternatives can add unique taste dimensions to the cinnamon rolls.

Substitute: Coconut Oil

Details: Coconut oil infuses a delicate coconut flavor and moisture into cinnamon rolls.

Nutrient Amount per 1/4 cup
Calories 240
Total Fats 28g
Carbohydrates 0g
Proteins 0g

How to Make: Melt and use an equal amount of coconut oil in place of butter in your cinnamon roll dough and glaze.

Substitute: Vegan Butter

Details: Vegan butter provides a similar texture and flavor to traditional butter without using animal products.

Nutrient Amount per 1/4 cup
Calories 200
Total Fats 20g
Carbohydrates 0g
Proteins 0g

How to Make: Substitute an equal amount of vegan butter for butter in your cinnamon roll recipe.

Substitute: Nut or Seed Butter

Details: Nut or seed butter adds a nutty richness and a boost of nutrients to cinnamon rolls.

Nutrient Amount per 1/4 cup
Calories 180-210
Total Fats 14-18g
Carbohydrates 6-8g
Proteins 6-8g

How to Make: Replace butter with an equal amount of your preferred nut or seed butter in the cinnamon roll dough and glaze.

Substitute: Olive Oil

Details: Olive oil adds a subtle fruity note and moistness to cinnamon rolls.

Nutrient Amount per 1/4 cup
Calories 240
Total Fats 28g
Carbohydrates 0g
Proteins 0g

How to Make: Use an equal amount of olive oil in your cinnamon roll dough and glaze in place of butter.

Substitute: Applesauce

Details: Unsweetened applesauce adds natural sweetness and moisture to cinnamon rolls.

Nutrient Amount per 1/4 cup
Calories 25
Total Fats 0g
Carbohydrates 7g
Proteins 0g

How to Make: Replace butter with an equal amount of unsweetened applesauce in your cinnamon roll dough.

Nutritional Facts Summary Table:

Substitute Calories Total Fats Carbohydrates Proteins Source Works Best In
Coconut Oil 240 28g 0g 0g Coconut Classic and tropical cinnamon rolls
Vegan Butter 200 20g 0g 0g Plant-based Indulgent and buttery cinnamon rolls
Nut or Seed Butter 180-210 14-18g 6-8g 6-8g Nuts or seeds Nutty and nutrient-rich cinnamon rolls
Olive Oil 240 28g 0g 0g Olive Subtle and moist cinnamon rolls
Applesauce 25 0g 7g 0g Apples Naturally sweet and moist cinnamon rolls


Q: Can I use coconut oil for a traditional cinnamon roll taste?
A: Yes, coconut oil adds a delightful tropical note while maintaining the essence of classic cinnamon rolls.

Q: Will nut or seed butter change the texture of the rolls?
A: Nut or seed butter can yield slightly denser rolls with a satisfying nutty undertone.

Q: Is vegan butter a good alternative for the buttery glaze?
A: Absolutely, vegan butter works well for the glaze and maintains the desired flavor.

Q: Can I combine unsweetened applesauce with other substitutes?
A: Mixing applesauce with another substitute can enhance both flavor and moisture in your cinnamon rolls.


Substituting butter in cinnamon rolls opens up a world of creativity and accommodates various dietary needs. Whether you choose coconut oil for a tropical twist, vegan butter for a familiar taste, nut or seed butter for added richness, olive oil for moisture, or applesauce for natural sweetness, each alternative brings a unique flair to your cinnamon rolls. Experiment with these alternatives to craft delightful treats that suit your preferences and dietary requirements.

Mei Lin Zhang

Written by Mei Lin Zhang

I love to writes about stories and cooking. I really enjoys creating new recipes and taking pictures of my food. When I am not writing, you can find me in the kitchen or snapping photos of my tasty creations.

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