Welcome to SubstituteFor! We’re all about cooking yummy food and baking delicious treats. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro chef, we’re here to help you make amazing meals.

At SubstituteFor, we test out all kinds of kitchen stuff like gadgets and ingredients to make sure they’re awesome. Then, we share easy recipes and tips to help you cook like a boss.

With over 100 tasty recipes, we’ve got something for everyone. Let’s have fun in the kitchen and make yummy food together!

Our Authors

Ji Eun Kim

Don’t listen to anyone who says you can’t be vegan and do well in sports and fitness. Vegans can do great, look good, and feel awesome!

Mei Lin Zhang

I love to writes about stories and cooking. I really enjoys creating new recipes and taking pictures of my food. When I am not writing, you can find me in the kitchen or snapping photos of my tasty creations.

Yuki Tanaka

I’m from Utashinai and I love tasty food and nice words. I also write blogs, take pictures of food, and create recipes. Cooking and baking are my favorite things to do!

Why Should You Trust Us?

Wonder why you should believe in us for cooking and baking? Here’s why:

  • Our cooking team picks what we show you based on their cooking skills.
  • We don’t get paid to say good things about products or recipes. We choose what’s best for you.
  • We always try recipes with at least two people in our special kitchen. We want to make sure they work well before sharing them with you.
  • We’re always honest. If something doesn’t taste good or a tool doesn’t work right, we’ll tell you.
  • Sometimes we go to food events or try new ingredients to keep things exciting. But we care most about how things taste and their quality.
  • We often borrow cooking tools to try them out, but that doesn’t change our opinions. We’re here to give you fair reviews so you can cook confidently.

Trust us to help you cook and bake delicious food. Let’s have fun in the kitchen together!